Warning Alert

Sopra Steria Group has been informed of fraud and scam attempts in Europe that employ various methods to impersonate the company.

In some of these scams, fraudsters attempt to open customer accounts with suppliers and service providers or place orders by passing themselves off as Sopra Steria Group, especially by using email addresses such as "soprasteriafrance.eu" or "sopra-steriasa.com", fake money transfer orders, and websites (www.soprasteriafrance.fr or www.sopra-steriasa.com) that redirect to the official Sopra Steria Group website using a technique known as framing. These acts have been reported to the French authorities.

Sopra Steria Group only lists its suppliers in accordance with strict, rigorous procedures and does not canvass them.

Other scams use letters to inform the recipient that Sopra Steria Group's bank account has changed. This account is false.

These letters are sent via the postal service or email from Sopra Steria Group and are signed by a Sopra Steria Group employee such as the Financial Director, Mr Vincent Paris, etc. The legal name, trademark and logo of Sopra Steria appear in them, making it appear that the letters were written by Sopra Steria Group.

 These letters also include:

  • a fraudulent KBIS (for example, for the fictional company "Sopra Steria Group Divine Hero SP.Z O.O."),
  • false account identification information certified as a true copy of the original for the following fictitious company (as an example): "BENEFICIARY: DIVINE HERO SP.Z O.O. / BANK: BPHSA, Centrum Rozliczeniowe, Gdańsk ul.płk.Jana, Pałubickiego, Poland / IBAN: PL25 1060 0076 0000 3300 0083 2272 / SWIFT: BPHKPLPK"),
  • a reference to a customer contract number, which may belong to you.

The goal is to make Sopra Steria Group customers believe that Sopra Steria has outsourced some of its accounting services to Poland and to ask customers to settle all future invoices by  transfers to a bank account in Poland. These letters also ask customers to send emails confirming the transfer to new email addresses such as vparis@soprasteria-france.com, fdumontier@soprasteria-france.com or compta@soprasteria-france.com.

If you have been contacted in the past or if you are contacted by email (from addresses using domain names similar to @soprasteriafrance.eu, soprasteria-france.com, etc.), by telephone or even through direct canvassing by individuals wishing to order equipment or services, open a customer account in the name of Sopra Steria Group or one of its Subsidiaries or modify your bank account information, please contact us immediately by telephone at: +33 (0)1 40 67 29 09 / +33 (0)1 40 67 29 29 or by email at signalementfraude@soprasteria.com.


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